The Singapore Frontrunners is a inclusive community-based running group. We are the Singapore chapter of the International Front Runners network. Founded in 2014 as MGR Runners, we organise regular runs typically on Thursday nights and Saturday mornings, and hang out for meals after. Runs are held primarily around the Singapore Sports Hub, MacRitchie, the Southern Ridges, and elsewhere in Singapore. 

Run with us!

Our members are a broad spectrum of runners from casual joggers to avid runners. We are also a diverse group with members from a multitude of nationalities and backgrounds. English is our primary language for communication. 

While we identify as a LGBT community running group, we welcome all runners regardless of orientation, regardless of ability, gender or identity. If you'd like to find out more or join us, provide us with your name, mobile number & e-mail in the form on this page, and we'll be in touch with you. Alternatively, you can join us on Facebook at the link below.

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